Star Brochure Bedsonline English 2024-2025 | Page 40

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Argentina is the country with the most European influence in this compilation, given its history as a recipient of many refugees from past World Wars and European conflicts. But the result is incredible food well worth travelling for! Make the journey to Buenos Aires to sample the very best of Argentina’s amazing steak grills, known as asados. Not just a dish, the asado is a ritual, a social event, where different cuts of meat are cooked slowly, seasoned well and enjoyed. Try traditional empanadas with a variety of fillings including beef, chicken, cheese, ham, corn, and spinach.

And if we talk about sweets, alfajores, melt-in-the-mouth cookies with dulce de leche in the middle, dulce de leche itself as the world-renowned caramel, and fluffy medialunas pastries are some of Argentina's most famous pastries and sweets. Finally, try mate, an energising herbal tea that is a ritual in Argentina, with a strict process for preparation!

For other incredible Argentinian destinations you can't miss during your trip, try Tafí del Valle, Mendoza and Ushuaia.

Some like it hot!

Chillis have been used in cooking in Mexico since before the Aztecs, so why not get better acquainted with this spicy ingredient?

Poblano – typically quite mild this chilli can be found stuffed with cheese and fried!

Jalapeño (Chipotle) - one of the most common chillis in the world. This chilli adds a depth and heat that tickles the tastebuds, while ‘chipotle’ refers to smoked jalapeños.

Pasilla – these dried peppers are dark, wrinkly and taste like spicy smoked raspberries!

Guajillo – less intense than the Jalapeño, its low heat intensity and fruity flavour makes it a common addition to many dishes including Mole de Olla.

Habanero – this is one of the hottest chillis you’ll find! Often used in hot sauces for individual diners to use, to avoid making others sweat too much.

Must-Visit Food Festivals:

FESTIVAL GOURMET INTERNACIONAL, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – every autumn, this festival brings together 70 of Mexico’s best, and the world’s most prestigious chefs, to present their tasty creations to the public for ten days!

MISTURA FOOD FESTIVAL, Lima, Peru – the largest culinary festival in South America, this event is a celebration of Peruvian cuisine and agriculture. Held each September, more than 300 farmers exhibit and sell their region’s produce.

FIESTA DE LA VENDIMIA, Mendoza, Argentina – ranked as one of the top World’s Harvest Festivals by the National Geographic, this annual celebration of wine and winemaking takes place during the first week of March in Argentina’s finest wine country. Dancers and musicians perform in a parade, and there’s even a "Reina Nacional de la Vendimia" selected; the National Harvest Queen!